Life at the Cross Roads

Growing and giving, learning and living, in Jesus Christ


Growing & Learning

How are we growing in and learning about what it means to be a follower of Jesus Christ? We could call this section “Formation” as in how we are formed by and in Jesus Christ. We could call it “Education” because we are learning. We could call it “spiritual growth” or “discipleship” and these would all work just fine.

But, at its core, we are trying to grow in our relationship with the Triune God and we are learning — about God, ourselves, and our world.


Children’s Ministry

At Cross Roads, our children’s ministry meets weekly at 4pm. We use Godly Play, a children’s ministry which helps children wonder about God in the language they are most familiar with — play! See Children at Cross Roads.

Children are always welcome in Worship. At Cross Roads we don’t believe children are the “future” of the church — they are the church.


Seasonal Study Series

Pastor Kate hosts seasonal study series, exploring different topics. Past studies have included I Contain Multitudes: Genre in the Bible, Wilderness (a Lenten journey through the Bible’s wildernesses), Philippians, and Created: exploring who God made us to be.

Small Groups

Presbyterian Women host small groups twice monthly. Evening Circle meets the second Monday of each month at 7:00pm while Morning Circle meets the second Tuesday of the month at 9:30am.

Location varies, contact Trish for questions and location details.

Sunday School

Adult Sunday School meets at 9:45 every Sunday. Currently, we are exploring a DVD series done by former Duke Divinity Professor Dr. James Mickey Efird.

Giving & Living

As we worship the Triune God and are formed in Christ, the Spirit moves us into relationship with one another and with others in our community. We take Jesus at his word in Matthew 25 that we are to treat all people as if they are Jesus in our midst. We may not be perfect at that, but we’re giving it an honest go, through fellowship and service.


Backpack Program

Cross Roads has been partnered with Pleasant Grove Elementary for seven years to make sure children who are in need have bags of food each Friday to carry them through the weekend.


Presbyterian Women

The Presbyterian Women are an active bunch at Cross Roads! Hosting picnics, fundraisers for struggling families, the Presbyterian Women are always ready at a moment’s notice to move and assist those in need, materially or relationally.

Fellowship Events

PSA: If you come to a Cross Roads event be prepared to eat, and eat well! From Homecoming, Independence Day Picnics, Spring Flings, Valentine’s Dinners, and various fundraisers, there’s always an opportunity to feast in fellowship with one another

Prayer Group

Wednesdays at 11am the prayer group gathers to lift up to God our concerns, loved ones, and our church.

Meals on Wheels

Three times a month, volunteers deliver food to the elderly in the Mebane area.


Every second Tuesday, we collect an additional offering for Pennies for Hunger. We also do Teddy Bear drives for children in dangerous situations, coat drives, food drives, and more. Keep an eye out for how you can participate.


Make music and community with our Choir! Choir meets Wednesdays at 7:30pm for rehearsal and sing weekly for the Sunday worship service with a brief rehearsal beforehand. Contact Marcella for more details.

May the love of God, the grace of Jesus Christ, and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit be with you now and always.